Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pengen Koneksi Internet Lancaarrr

Sebulan lalu aku masi belom punya modem GSM. FYI, aku cuman punya modem Speed up (entah versi brp) yang aku beli sekitar akhir tahun 2008 seharga Rp. 400 ribuan, belom termasuk kartu  dan pulsa internet (masih 3G, belom EVDO). Pas ituh aku beli modem bundling Fren, isi Rp.100 ribu untuk 3 bulan. Pas tahun-tahun ituh sih CDMA masi jaya-jayanya emang. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cara membuat martabak manis mini, hmm yummyy

Cihuuyy, akhirnya sukses juga nih bikin martabak mini. Ni ada resep yang sudah teruji di dapur saya guys :p
Ni resep dapet dari bungkus margarin yang biasa aku pake :)
Untuk toping bisa dimodif sedemikian rupa tergantung selera. Yuuk masaaak ^^

Resep cara membuat martabak telor mudah murah ^^

 Guys, berhubung posting contekan aku kemaren yang berisi cara membuat roti maryam laris manis dibaca, so sekarang aku mo share tips resep lagi nih. Sebagai penggila cemilan dan penyuka cooking2 cemilan, hatiku terpanggil buat share tips resep ini untuk kalian sebangsa dan setanah air (lebay :P)

Let's support drug addicts to live healthy

Have you ever found an ex drug addict who live normally now after being recovered? The drug addicts need job after recovered. The job and positive activities will help them to resist the temptation to back to become drug addict. Therefore, society need to support them. We need to believe in them that they are already recovered, they can work and they can do all the thing like another healthy person.

There are some reasons that may make people turn to a drug addict, such as stress, work, and family problem. If you find that your family is one of those drug addicts, you have to immediately find a good drug rehab for him/her. There are many kind of drug rehab center that you can choose, such as holistic drug rehab. You need to deal with this problem in a good way. The first thing that they should get is detoxification. Detoxification is the first step of drug treatment. You know, the drug addict body is different from a healthy person. Without drug, their body will severe some problem. Therefore they will need detoxification to reduce body’s dependency.

The second step is therapy. The therapy will allow the patient to build motivation to be recovered soon. They will learn how to deal with the stresses that turn them to drugs. They will learn to get encourage to live healthy in society when once they are recovered. The long-term effect of drug abuse may be not the same for all patients. Therefore, the program that they will need may be also different. Some patient will leave after a month, many months, or maybe for years. It is all depend on severity of dependence. You may know that some patients also fail their drug treatment. It can be caused of many reasons like commitment, support, and lifestyle.

Why do you need a good drug rehab

There are lots of treatments that you can try for the drug addicts, such as community therapy method that will strengthen the patient to be recovered as soon as possible. Also, this therapy can be useful to quit their bad habit. You can find some drug rehab center which use this method. This method will teach the patients to work together to achieve their goal, to be a healthy person without drugs. Their motivation to be recovered will always be maintained that way.

You need to know that quiting this bad habit is not a simple thing. The drug addicts need high motivation from inside and also outside, from their family, close friends, and another who support them. The police officer still do their effort to combat drugs. If you read more, you will find a drug addicts who has been declared cured, still can not quit the bad habit. This fact shows that a drug addicts really need a good drug rehab place to help them. They need treatment that will really make them quit taking drugs. A good drug rehab can be a place which has a good environment with complete medical facilities and security guarded, like gulf coast drug rehab.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ow, si Tomcat Akhirnya Turut Menyerang..ku

Wow wow, uda lama banget nih aku gak posting. Tanggal 11 kemaren aku wisuda lhoh, hohohoo akhirnya setelah penantian bertahun-tahun :D
Well, temen-temen pasti tau artis dadakan yang namanya Tomcat. Entah kenapa ko dinamain tomcat, bukannya tomcat, ituh si tom, si kucing musuhnya Jerry yah? padahal nama ilmiahnya kan jauh banget dari spelling tomcat, Paederus riparius.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012